Tuesday, December 2, 2008

13 days post-op for ulnar nerve transposistion


I can't wait until tomorrow to type.. sooooooo I started typing a bit today.. now tonight I'm typing fully with both hands. I doesn't hurt at all and hand speed is pretty normal for typing. Then again laptop is in lap and only wrists are moving slightly... so I wouldn't expect it to hurt at all.

Fingers on left hand are still 'duller' than right hand.

The incision is getting more sensitive around the elbow. Even resting it on a pillow is sensitive. not as in "Im infected" sensitive but more as in "Im healing so Im extra sensitive"

The burning that I had I dont think I had this morning waking up.. if I did it was minor. Im able to bend my arm back and touch my hand to my shoulder now. I can't do it on my own.. but need to push gently when I do it. There is no pain though.

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