(ok.. these pics were the next day ... Saturday at a friends place I went over while he was brewing beer. He had a camera and my cell phone cam stinks and my camera is packed away somewhere from the last move)
Note the bruising is only up top.. none around the incision which I was very surprised at how it healed up so far. When I tap my finger above the part of the incision towards the bicep, I feel a tingle in my pinky and ring fingers. This is probably from the nerve still being sensitive and swelling/healing process going on.
I had the appointment to get the stitches out today. It turns out they were dissolving stitches and when the bandage was removed, there were no stitches. Its pretty amazing, there is basically no bruising at all around the incision. Its a little swollen, not too bad. Today I can reach my thumb back and touch my shoulder without any assistance from the other hand.
At the appointment I was told to still take it easy with the arm as it is healing still of course - but now I can use it to eat, lift things like a cup of water no problem. I asked if its ok to drive in two weeks - he had me squeeze his hand and said the strength seems pretty good so I could prob use it to drive now. Of course I was told if I do anything that hurts the arm - don't do it.
Tonight sitting at home my wrist started hurting after waking from a nap.. don't know why- but it hurt a decent amount so I took some ibuprofen.
My hand is slowly feeling less 'dull' (not from the nerve issue before surgery but after effects from the surgery)
The tip of my elbow is hypersensitive. When the prickly wheel was rolled across it.. it was pretty uncomfortable - which is weird because to the touch it feels pretty numb. The elbow is definitely swollen.. but it is a lot less than I thought it would be and am shocked there is basically no bruising except for the 'garbage' that is on the bicep area flowing towards the chest cavity from keeping the arm elevated (which I am no longer doing).
I was told today I can start putting cream on it. I used a little alcohol and q-tips to remove some of the pen lines after washing it twice. I purchased some scar cream with silicone and spf (it seems better creams have silicone in it to reduce scar formation). I had used ScarGard on a previous surgery but stopped quickly because it just flaked up and came off easily after applying it. I want to keep the area moisturized so the cream is pretty good for that rather than a brush-on dried up flaking scar treatment.
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