backspace key is my friend. My left arm is propped on two pillows and I'm typing leaning over on the couch. people walking by on the teail out back can see in.. they are probably wondering what the heck Im doing.
I woke up today earlier than I expected... 7:20am or so but didn't go to sleep until after 1 (we watched wall-e and other movies - wall-e is a cute movie...pretty good). I expected to sleep longer but I guess I slept a bunch during the day yesterday and wasn't active.
Thankfully, I had no pain or tingling when I woke.. but upon a little moving the soreness kicked in. The swelling/bruising in my arm has arrived.. even though I cant see it with the large bandage, it just feels sore bruised and swollen (as the movement early in the day in fingers was slower).

While I spent most of the day on the couch, one visitor kept coming to see what was up. Ya.. he is real not a stuffed animal. Cute huh?

I had to go to the bank.. but as soon as I got in the car (ford expedition) there was plenty of room on the middle console for a big pillow. As I stand up the arm hangs at an angle not straight at my side. The bandage isn't straight, it was put on when my arm was slightly bent. So standing even for a few minutes increases pain. Luckily we were in and out of bank in about 4 minutes.
There is no more twitching in the hand today that I had yesterday.
Does my arm feel better compared to pre-op? Not yet..of course there has been a lot of trauma to the area. I prob wont know until swelling goes away, it heals and I use it again... as that is when my symptoms acted up the most. It isn't as painful _at this time_ in my hand as it was a couple days after my previous less invasive surgery.. but it is possible I used my hand too much/too soon in the other procedure.
11:29 PM watching Wall-E again, just finished Hellboy 2 - my Wife took our dog Mac to Palm
Springs area to get fixed. Both guys having surgery this week..ouch.
A couple twitches around my armpit this evening. I noticed earlier today the red/bruising spread to almost the armpit and it is sore to the touch at the very top of my bicep near the shoulder. My shoulder also feels a little achy from being raised all the time.. the directions were to keep it elevated for a week.
I put off the surgery for so long because of bad timing, no I finally get it done and it really is bad timing - a really need to be at work now for a big project. Surgery was Wednesday, I'll be back to work Monday. I was told I can type with it in two weeks. Here you can see some of the bruising creeping up.

1 comment:
At least you weren't having the same surgery as the dog. I'm just saying.
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